Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Intel British weida diversionary smart phone low: China into Internet

For intelligent cellphone chips for qualcomm dominance, the next two years, its days may not too easy, because Intel, the English weida (N VID IA), and other competitors are intensify efforts to rob food qualcomm's site.
Was held in the MW C (M obileW orldC ongress world communication meeting), Intel C EO otellini declared in a MOTOROLA (the Po) mobile, lenovo two big customers later, O range, zte communications (the Po), India native low-cost cellphones Lava giant also joined Intel smartphone group, which will be launched in early next year to $150 for the following the development of intelligent mobile platform Z2000; Another chip giant British weida also in the strength, also reached one thousand yuan (RMB) smartphone market.
Two big chip giant constantly for qualcomm customers, and prepare to aggressively into the one thousand yuan (RMB), the low price smart phone market, certainly will will pull in high-end smartphone low price. Industry insiders and high attention, smart phones on the market for low-cost, Intel, how will the cargo and LianFa division (micro Po) on the competition.
"Double British" chasing the low end of the cell phone market intelligence
In the mobile chip market, qualcomm dominant, as a newcomer, Intel, the English weida how to find market breakthrough? The low end of the smart phones become the common choice.
Consumer electronics show in Las Vegas earlier this year (C E S), Intel announced that MOTOROLA mobile, lenovo into Intel chip customers smart phones. Only in the past for more than a month, Intel's customer faction to increase again, O range, zte, Lava joined. Otellini said, these new clients are intelligent mobile platform will use Intel Z2460, from the time to the market to see, L ava fastest in the second quarter will be open at the beginning of the first Intel sold A ndroid intelligent mobile platform, O range is expected to first summer in France and Britain to the market, zte is to wait until the second half of this year.
Notable is, zte and L ava become Intel new customers, also be in to peer release information: Intel will attack the low end of the market to JiaoBan qualcomm. Zte from China, L ava from India, in these two countries, smartphone market is the rapid growth, especially ZhongDiDuan smart phones, but also has the huge demand. Otellini said, will be launched in early next year to $150 for the following the development of intelligent mobile phone Z2000 platform.
The low end of the smart cellphone market coveted outsiders not only Intel. In ten days before the British weida (N V ID IA) earnings conference, C E O HuangRenXun made it clear that, at present the weida value one thousand yuan (RMB) price cheap dual-core smart phones, in near the time will enter the market. HuangRenXun in accept SMW reporter to interview said: "compared with iP hone 4 S in domestic of such high price, 1000 yuan of cheap dual-core machines in China will have the market more. This for N V ID IA speaking is a very exciting opportunities, to enter the market is just a matter of time."
Faced with qualcomm, inc., mediatek inc. flanked
In Intel, the English weida opinion, the low end of the smartphone market potential is tremendous, before mobile chip is their foothold in the market and opportunities. However, the bed side or let others 21? Qualcomm, inc., mediatek inc. the two giants, of course, won't let Intel, the English weida easily grab food site. As China has become the world's largest smartphone market, especially ZhongDiDuan product is popular, huawei, zte launched operators and manufacturers of such cooperation smartphone one thousand yuan, is well received by customer. Therefore, at the low end of smart phones in the race, the Chinese market will undoubtedly is the Internet.
Start from the end, qualcomm in ZhongDiDuan smartphone chip a round of price war. Qualcomm will the launch of new dual-core intelligent chip solutions, from $50 price, to cut more than $40, and the price is one thousand yuan LianFa interval, smart phone solutions of the main battlefield. Last November, the products of the company QianZhiJun director in qualcomm shenzhen smartphone peak BBS says qualcomm in Shanghai new established the China r&d center will help small and medium-sized customers reduce technical doorsill, shorten the development time, and help China has authorized small and medium-sized customers pushed below $100 A ndroid of smart phones. "If you don't change the original design, as long as two or three months to launch new products."
LianFa department in the Chinese market management for many years, and the domestic mobile phone contact closely, smooth communication. Last August, LianFa smart phones, main chip MT 6573 mass market, production and marketing two flourishing, further strengthened LianFa families focus ZhongDiDuan intelligent chip determination. LianFa families had said the general manager qingjiang river, in 2012 will be $100 smart phone rapid growth, LianFa secco will fully benefit from the market growth. "Customized products and the power of the price has the advantage of LianFa families, even compared with qualcomm, to the service careful degree, or LianFa families for better."
Qualcomm, inc., mediatek inc. in one thousand yuan price intelligent cellphone market competition is already the hand-to-hand combat, this undoubtedly will be a great boost for Intel, the cargo into difficulty. Market experts doubt, for Intel, the cargo is concerned, mobile chip market will ultimately no into the poor?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Smart phones recycling the mess: ErShouJi or into new markets

Smart cellphone market since last year the strong growth in the more excited to manufacturers. In the new mobile phone sales promotion of violent offenses, for a variety of reasons into the circulation field second-hand cellular phone, quantity is amazing.
Along with the rapid warming ErShouJi market, after missing, mobile phone machine, ErShouJi was unknown source as new machine sales and other industry unspoken rule also gradually emerging. A special operating mobile recovery of online shop owner wang jun (a pseudonym) told reporters: "(recovery of ErShouJi) if looks good, many will turn supply large 3 C store."
Recycling the mess
Priceonomics previous report released, the American market, iPhone purchase in after 12 months of resale price for the original price 63%, series of andros smartphone turn sells for 46% of the original value; In buying a year and a half, two camps of mobile phone turns price further shrink, only 53% of the original value respectively and 42%.
Reporters from several mobile recovery shop that survey, the different scale shop pricing different, volume is small person may give more high prices to attract customers, and large second-hand cellular phone recycling business, such as doubles nets given pricing is more harsh.
Doubles nets crew to the daily economic news, "said the company in new machines in addition to recovery machine and 99 into the new machine (unpacking 15 days) outside, the rest machine no matter what quality, pricing are the same.
According to the reporter incomplete statistics, currently on the market popular models, the new iPhone4 and iPhone4S (16 G) of the recovery price is 2850 yuan respectively (about 4999 yuan for unicom simulates version 57% of the quoted) and 4550 yuan (4988 yuan of apple official pricing 90.2%); And ninety percent new samsung (the Po) sell like hot cakes model GalaxySII/i9100 original price is 4999 yuan, recovery price is 1800 yuan, which is about 36% of the original price; MOTOROLA (the Po) ME722 (milestone 2) new recycling price for 1000 yuan, and ninety percent for 900 yuan price new recovery, only for the first official pricing 3700 yuan 24.3%.
Reporters noticed that, although recovery will each type of mobile phone to offer, but the process of the lack of pricing obviously strict standard, and quality of the old and new judge also more optional.
Clean out treasure to a well-known handset recycling the shop Carl riskin (a pseudonym) told the daily economic news, their store weekly receive dozens of general second-hand smart cellphone, but the brand and quality can't say.
The daily economic news reporter by the seller identity to Carl riskin consulting nokia (the Po) half year's new mobile phone N9 (first JianYiJia market in 4000 yuan), Carl riskin 2400 yuan price are recycling, about sixty percent of the original value; And doubles the quotation is given nets 1950 yuan, both gap is 700 yuan.
The shop to reporters more than, recycling machine price by the most judge for themselves, the market sell like hot cakes, whether for HangHuo degree, first with the latest price, looks old and new and accessories for the most complete degree of core pricing factors. In practice, many shop owner said by providing a cell phone guarantee card, need not purchase invoice issued by, is not forced fittings is complete.
Flow 3 C stores
Can see, a second-hand cellular phone from the choice of supply, price formulation all existing standard, more important is, ErShouJi existing "shoddy" risk.
There have been media interviews a mobile phone service hours, the worker is the truth, market circulation on a large part of second-hand cellular phone for refurbished machine. Merchants recovery after a second-hand cellular phone, to design a new or more popular models for shell change, polishing, wax, and then sold. For some fault machine, some businessmen will the disassemble and parts restructuring, quality care.
The recovered and new or used model and dealers of changed hands after inn, and suddenly HangHuo with new identity into 3 C channels is not rare. The shopkeeper royal army to reporters: "not well-known channel sell good, (recovery of ErShouJi) if looks good, some will turn supply large 3 C store."
Last August, the mainland first in its striking the blog postings in wang hai question "apple in China by suspected refurbished iPhone4 pretend to be sold, new, consumer fraud". Wang hai described in bowen, by their representatives of action in the two consumers are scheduled to July 9, 2011 in apple retail store bought a black 16 G iPhone4 each a mobile phone. But according to sales slip on cellphone serial number inquires expires warranty time, not for the theory of "in July 2012," and which are "in January 28, 2012 and April 26, 2012."
Before consumers have pointed out, the domestic famous 3 C sells part of existing stores will be refurbished machine, inventory, prototype machine as a new HangHuo of marketing situation, in the back, have questioned say "ErShouJi recovery referred to as its conveying a lot of low supply".

Monday, February 27, 2012

Microsoft WP mobile phone and application store in China at the end of 23 countries

Microsoft (the Po) is preparing to plan will Windows Phone coverage expanded to 23 other countries, will the operating system used in a cheap smart cellphones, Microsoft this intention (the Po) from Google and apple out of the hands of the more market share.
Windows Phone business controller Terry · Myerson (Terry Myerson, pointed out that Microsoft is at the end of the month in China before, Thailand, venezuela and other 20 countries set up mobile application store, and at the same time will be forthcoming Windows Phone smart phones. The action is completed, Microsoft Windows Phone coverage of the country will reach 63, and will increase 60% target users purchase.
Microsoft now intention catch up with apple as soon as possible, to become the world's second largest mobile phone software vendors, and then and Google Android operating system of the world's leading settle. According to the market research analyst firm IDC projects of data showing that, Microsoft's mobile operating system in 2015 more than apple, but the process will not too easy.
Myerson says, "I wish I had simply press the button and then said, 'let the dream come true!' line. In order to achieve the goal, we have some excellent strategy, but this is not greed. Although we already on the market in two successful competitors, but we are still willing to meet the challenge."
Google and apple in emerging market position is not stable, it also gives Microsoft created opportunities. IDC analyst Al hill China (Al Hilwa, pointed out that global smartphone total sales in 2015 more than 1 billion sets, with China will be the largest single market.
Opportunity won't last forever
Hill pointed out that China, Microsoft must fast into the development of the market, in the market of the good and cheap phone will have the chance to gain a foothold.
Hill China also said: "this is a fleeting opportunity, a lot of smart phones are Andorid to the low end of the market. Microsoft into still needs more mobile phone products, more operators cooperation, more price position and more language support."
On Monday at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (Mobile World Congress), Microsoft also launched a Windows Phone in the first paragraph of Skype video calls beta applications, the company is expected to report will be launched in April official version.
Microsoft is not their cellular phones, but rather through and nokia (the Po) and other cell phone manufacturers production. These partners are also in the Barcelona conference showed their Windows Phone intelligent mobile Phone products. Microsoft has already had earlier this month to successively in Argentina, Indonesia, Malaysia, Peru, Philippines launched application store, take this to promote the company's mobile phone sales.
Nokia launched Windows Phone
Nokia Monday in the mobile world congress of Windows Phone launched the latest cellphone, pricing for 189 euros ($254), the products will be in the second quarter of this year will be open to sell, and carrying the new system. The product price is currently the most cheap Windows Phone nokia mobile phones about 30% cheaper.
Microsoft Windows Phone reduced the configuration requirements, at present the memory only half of the original, can support more cheap 7 X2A qualcomm chip. Myerson points out, that this will give mobile phone manufacturer of cost reduction 30-40%. The latest Windows Phone mobile Phone costs only $100 to $200.
Myerson further points out that, in the United States, this part of the cost of saving it is difficult to send it to the consumer. But in emerging markets, which a change but can keep the cell phone more cheaply.
Myerson said: "want to let the national consumer like Windows Phone, let Window Phone become their indispensable product, we will need to meet they buy consumer electronics psychological price."
In addition myerson also points out that, to adopt new software, cheaper hardware phone in run some function will slowly. He says that, although Microsoft is trying to fix, but few program still couldn't run on the new product.
Change consumer preferences
Myerson points out, the adjustment to Microsoft expanding China market especially important, because in China, and most of the mobile phone costs are between $100 and $150. According to IDC figures show that China will surpass the United States this year, as the world's largest smartphone market, while Android is China's most popular smart phone operating system.
Market research institutions of Gartner analyst Michael bloomberg, who added (Michael Gartenberg said: "China has many Android user, but really like this operating system, Microsoft is not many people hope that this as an opportunity, and change the this part of the user preferences."
Microsoft now is working with operators negotiations, let they provide prepaid Windows Phone mobile Phone, the plan in the emerging market is very effective. Will this week with Latin America myerson's biggest mobile operator Mexican American carriers (America Movil SAB) discuss relevant issues.
Myerson pointed out that, at present, the new system is still not in the cost of less than $100 running on cellphones, but Microsoft will one day will solve the problem. He also said: "we want to continue to maintain quality, under the premise of the appropriate time, the price will naturally fall."

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Huawei plans this year shipment of 60 million smart phones

Huawei (the Po) executives say huawei plan this year 60 million of shipment smart cellphones, to three times as much as last year, in the smart phone market challenge apple and nokia (the Po).
Huawei terminals chairman YuChengDong (the Po) mobile world congress in Barcelona (MWC) says huawei this year 30% to 40% of the smartphone shipments will the China market. Huawei in the MWC was released Ascend D four nuclear mobile phone, saying that it was the fastest global smartphone. Compared with the similar cellphone, this product of low cost 15% to 20%.
Huawei said in April last year, the plan in the next five to 10 years, will increase to $100 billion revenue. The company is currently developing cloud computing and small business network business, as a traditional telecom equipment business added. YuChengDong said: "we want to be a top brand. We industry of mobile phone brand is not known, but our product is the best."
Ascend D four nuclear cellphone will start from the next quarter in all major market began to sales. And support network version will be in LTE launch later this year.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The telecom version Lumia 800 listed at the end of the nokia

People familiar with, China telecom is are going to introduce nokia Lumia 800 cellphone, China telecom part of the employees have been given a testing machine, is expected to march on the market.
Guangdong telecommunication marketing general manager DuJinBiao (the Po) last night in the blog said, "today I have seen the telecom version of NOKIA lumia 800 of the testing machine, Windows7 system, a new style, good! Like NOKIA friends note, this type of machine in the very first sure is telecom version of yo, is expected to end on the market sometime!"
After earlier, China telecom insiders had to edit revealed sina science and technology, China telecom is are going to introduce nokia Lumia 800, and says it is preparation, specific launch date has not been set, but may in the quarter or next quarter at the end of the beginning.
Last October 26, nokia officially released Lumia 800, is the first Windows Phone 7 cellPhone, continued the nokia N9 appearance of polycarbonate a integrated Settings, positive adds three Windows Phone needs buttons. Whom, light blue, magenta color. Earlier, nokia said people in April 2012 to enter the Chinese market.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 3 G mobile phone is to borrow to come back

With "SONY Ericsson (the Po)" turned and become pure of Japanese descent "SONY", February kyocera also began to spread in China mobile phone business and issued a double screen cellphone, NEC and leave the Chinese market in six years later once again planning mobile phone division. Between quietly, a few years ago out of the Chinese market, are making a comeback in the mobile phone.
Localization is the key
In 2005-2006, panasonic, Toshiba (the Po), mitsubishi, NEC DengRi mobile phone enterprise in the Chinese market is collective debacle, when one of the important reasons for the debacle, Japan is the world's first 3 G development one of the countries, mobile phone manufacturer also basic bound operators channel, but China 2 G phones era, the huge retail market competition from a mobile phone to enterprise success or failure, day now is ripe.
But as time passes by, China has walked into 3 G era. According to the statistical data of ai media consulting in 2011, according to the fourth quarter smart phone market of China of sales of 22.83 million, up 79.6%; China intelligence cell phone users difference is 223 million, accounting for 23.2% of the total mobile phone users. Relevant data to predict, domestic sales of smart phones this year will break 100 million department, this to any mobile phone manufacturer all has the huge attraction, the mobile phone of Japanese enterprise seems to once again see the hope.
But how to open the Chinese market again, of Japanese enterprise that mobile phone to is a daunting test. In Japan the domestic, mobile phone operators and depth cooperation, market research, etc by operators almost all depends, mobile phone manufacturer only research and development and the assembly can, research, promotion, sales these links all need not bother about, operation chamber of commerce for support. And in China, Japanese, enterprises need to trail for, get through all kinds of link, not enough localization experience, extremely hard to succeed. Th is urgently needed and local phone operators close cooperation.
In this respect, take the lead in the return of sharp moves rapidly. In 2011, the first to speed up product line in sharp transition, all products will switch to 3 G smartphones, but in 2010 years successful unicom custom again on the foundation of successful China telecom (the Po), China mobile (the Po) custom order, to take the lead in realizing the and in the three largest operators custom channel of comprehensive docking. And just starting to return to China market plan is will the kyocera hopes are the operators in them. According to information, its first released in China 3 G smartphones will be issued by China telecom customization.
The situation is not optimistic
Smartphone homogeneity in severe cases, is the appearance of the unique, cellphone features can attract part of the consumer. Japan's domestic 3 G smartphone development more mature, manufacturers of Japanese with ripe industrial design system, its unique appearance design is to pursue new consumers and female consumers have a lot of attractive.
However, due to the arrival of the era of 3 G, China mobile phone market has had the earth-shaking change, return to will not be easy.
The domestic market has been formed, day of mobile phone manufacturer wanted to break existing pattern was strongly will sniper. In the high-end market, when the enemy of Japanese mobile phone nokia (the Po), MOTOROLA (the Po) have scenery no longer, but the iPhone, samsung (the Po) by HTC (the Po) followed; And the low end of the market has been zte and huawei (the Po) one thousand yuan occupy smartphone; On the market in the international brand and homebred brand is in fierce competition, of Japanese vendors want to participate in will be difficult.
In addition, because from the Chinese market has for many years, consumers of Japanese mobile phone brand of widespread "alienation", it will no doubt of Japanese mobile phone will have to pay more efforts to get approved. In addition, low performance-to-price ratio of Japanese mobile phone is the shortcomings. Because of the lack of resources and the display screen technology, day is relatively higher priced mobile phone, plus many days is because the company can't form crop is smaller scale effect, as a result of the cost and relatively high price that will also be of Japanese manufacturers in China based on.
At present, the performance of the SONY cell phone is not satisfactory, 2011 SONY is expected total losses as high as 2.9 billion dollars. Cellphone business is concerned, new product launch too slow, localization high degree and product positioning not too reasonable issues affected SONY cell phone.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

China telecom announced iPhone4S version in telecom on March 9, sale

People buy apple iPhone 4S will have more choices. China telecom (the Po) yesterday, announced in March 9 up sales this machine. This means that apple mobile phone sales of domestic operators to two, the market "catfish effect" is expected to appear, domestic CDMA user can also be used iPhone4S realize 3 G surfing the Internet.
Local reservation three channels can choose
Telecom version iPhone4S from March 2 nd accept reservations, citizens in shenzhen local can be arbitrarily choose three categories of booking channel: telecommunications business hall and authorized shops, telecom online business hall, su ning including store and other social channels.
The difference is, telecom business hall and authorized shops, su ning the unified in stores would March 9, iPhone4S to release the game simultaneously, in Internet booking shipping time will need to pay attention to system hints.
What is iPhone4S telecom version machine card one-piece, or mobile phones and a SIM card can separation? At present the industry explanations, China telecom is not clear position, perhaps bout to wait until March 9, to present.
Zero dollars buying machine must choose 289 January combo
China telecom iPhone4S sale, marks China unicom (the Po) a exclusive iPhone driving effects of the situation is broken. Two big operators is the most direct competition is one of the methods to set contract offer. After unicom version iPhone4S contrast, telecom version of the overall spending roughly equal.
The launch of the telecom iPhone4S contract is divided into two years, 3 10-year two kinds. The biggest concern zero dollars buying machine, 16 GB capacity for two years minimum choose 389 yuan of version on package, 32 GB version minimum choose 489 yuan on the package will be zero dollars buying machine; 3 10-year 16 GB, 32 GB version should be minimum choose 289 yuan on the package, 64 GB version should be minimum choose 389 yuan on the package.
Market reaction remains to be seen
Telecom iPhone4S sale than unicom late nearly two months, plus China Hong Kong earlier put on sale, so the market reaction to observe how to remain. On the other hand, China telecom cover perfect national network or can add cent.
By the end of last year, China telecom has become the world's biggest CDMA network operators, its 3 G network cover all to the cities at the county level and above and 90% of the towns, WiFi hotspot coverage to nearly 700000. At the same time, because of technical features and use frequency band, the relation between the CDMA system of the 3 G network coverage signal will be better.
Professional personage YangHaiFeng analysis, for existing telecommunication CDMA users, iPhone4S use at the same time, don't change, or have a certain appeal. In addition, telecom has a large number of customers between, combining with the advantages of fixed broadband bound, also can bring a lot of demand.
Erin experts MaiHaoChao points out, telecom iPhone4S there is a big sale of variables: its mobile phone user quite part is "C + G" double card users. That is the use of telecommunication CDMA network users, but also will use mobile or unicom network. This part of the users are often operators in high-end users on how many users to apple cellphone and give up double card, need time to test and verify.
Zero dollars buying machine whose more cost-effective?
Telecom unicom package preferential PK overall flat
Shenzhen special zone daily dispatch (reporter WuFan) operators iPhone4S sales, a big concern is hot citizens zero dollars buying machine is cost-effective. China telecom, China unicom in this respect to break the monopoly, introduced three file zero dollars buying machine package, and unicom head-on, what a more cost-effective?
Telecom announced yesterday zero dollars buying machine package, divided into 289 yuan, 389 yuan, 489 yuan three gears; The corresponding is China unicom 286 yuan, 386 yuan, 586 yuan three gears zero dollars buying machine package.
The two packages in the bag of voice calls total minutes is not the same, corresponding to the above three gears package, telecommunications field contains 990 minutes respectively, 1290 minutes, 1590 minutes; Unicom contains 900 minutes respectively, 1250 minutes, 1950 minutes. See not hard, telecom in low price in the package preferential more, its highest a package with unicom because prices vary of nearly 100 yuan, unicom package the giving of several minutes not have too much appeal.
Mobile Internet traffic, telecom contained 1.5 G respectively, 2 G and 3 G flow, unicom contained 1.1 G respectively, and 1.6 G and 2.5 G flow. Obviously, this is more favorable telecom.
Text messages, telecom three gears package are included 180 text messages, unicom contain 280 respectively, article 380 and article 580. Text messages, unicom more favourable.
According to the overall spending calculation, if buy 16 GB version citizens of the iPhone 4 S, and choose 2 years contract plan, the choice of the actual costs $9336 telecom yuan, the choice of the actual costs $9264 allied yuan. Telecom than unicom more than two years spending 72 dollars.
To citizens if buy 32 GB version of the iPhone 4 S as an example, and choose 3 year contract plan, the choice of the actual costs $10404 telecom yuan, the choice of the actual costs $10296 allied yuan. Telecom than unicom more than three years spending 108 yuan.
Mobile Internet has become increasingly popular, the biggest advantage of smart cellphones and mobile Internet access is, the bo, micro letter, fly letters instant messaging tools are gradually rob to text messages of thunder. Telecom as newcomers, in order to enhance competitiveness, in the zero dollars buying machine package provides more attractive aspects obviously.
It is worth noting that, telecom currently only released three gears package, other packages to March 2, to not be available, unicom definitely won't for users to telecom sitting idly by. The two operators of preferential PK is expected to launch, when consumer is expected to get more affordable.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Google new technology follow Siri: use Android mobile phone control TV

The United States patent and trademark office received last fall a patent application shows that Google (the Po) are developing similar Siri voice control technology, used for Android cellphone TV through control.
According to reports of science and technology blog Patently Apple, the patent describes a cloud based on the calculation of the system, can through the Android phones emit voice commands, to control the set-top box, smart phones and digital camcorders equipments.
And apple is still in the test the voice control Siri similar technology, through the Android phones emit voice commands will be sent to a cloud computing system, which can get the content of meaning. For example, if a user questions "tonight the game is some", so cell phone may according to this problem, as well as the date, time and GPS location, TV sets in the right time switch to the appropriate channels.
Users can also send in outdoor voice commands. When the user returned home, the cellphone will be turned on the TV and broadcast users want to watch on TV. This function can also be applied to music playing.
If the user inquires the program has set up a file in the broadcast, the system will automatically switch to the program. If the program has not yet started to play, then can make an appointment playing time. In the user is not at home, the system can also on video for the program.
Google is not the only one trying to the introduction of voice control in TV technology of the manufacturers. Lenovo also released earlier this year with speech function of the TV set, the samsung (the Po) electronic have launched a able to identify with the speech, touch screen remote control. The rumour is that apple is releasing TV set of products, voice control function is also a big selling point.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Apple patent war samsung upgrade: targeted Galaxy Nexus

According to the U.S. IT website PCWorld reported Monday, patent experts say apple recently for samsung (the Po) and launched a product patent litigation will be a big gesture.
Intellectual property consultant to Florida, Ann muller (Florian Mueller) in the patent blog writing on Foss Patents, said apple "to resort to the law of the relevant patent has eight, but called for the release of a preliminary injunction charges only focused on four Patents.
Obviously, apple request issue a preliminary injunction aims to prevent samsung Galaxy Nexus smart cellphone sales.
Apple accused samsung infringed upon the four patents for: "computer system information retrieval common interface"; "Portable multi-function equipment are not answered the phone management"; "The graphical user interface used under the history" and "cross equipment asynchronous data synchronization".
Muller says, apple will be the main focus in this four patents of another purpose is to raise the risk of hearing as soon as possible.
In addition, apple's case involves to another four patents, the samsung products are also involved in other involves at least 16, including Galaxy S II, Exhibit II 4 G, Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus and Galaxy Tab 8.9.
John Stuart mill is said apple for samsung launched the patent litigation is a big action, because apple adopted with completely different strategy before.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

German court ruling bikes to disable the apple touch screen phone unlock design

According to foreign media on Thursday, apple has already in with MOTOROLA (the Po) mobile in Germany of legal dispute to a victory. According to apple spokesman Alan black (Alan Hely) released in an E-mail statement in Munich, Germany, the local court has to MOTOROLA cellphone theft in Europe have apple patent protection of touch screens unlock design issued the injunction.
But MOTOROLA mobile German lawyer Marcus · case scrooge (Marcus Grosch), said the appeal was part of the apple rejected. The court ruled that MOTOROLA mobile Xoom tablet computer and do not encroach on apple's patent.
Apple in Germany won for the first time
The ruling is the apple in Germany with MOTOROLA mobile launch legal battle for the first time in the winner, after MOTOROLA has been in three games in a lawsuit brought by apple won 2 victories. In the earlier this month, a MOTOROLA mobile in order to implement company in December of last year for judgment, also once led to apple was forced to some of the old car and iPad products temporarily from iPhone apple's online store below the frame.
MOTOROLA mobile published yesterday in an E-mail statement, this company "has implemented a new unlock function design, so we think this decision will not for existing and future product sales bring any impact."
Earlier this week, the European commission and the United States, antitrust regulators have approved the Google (the Po) spend $12.5 billion for MOTOROLA mobile. The move will be willing to part with or use Google can obtain a lot of patent to protect the company's Android operating system, so that the operating system to better support including MOTOROLA mobile, the many cell phone makers, thus further with apple products to compete. But the regulatory agencies or warned that they will be on the combined enterprise how to use the weapons patent litigation is by what he said.
Mobile equipment demand
MOTOROLA mobile, samsung (the Po) electronics, apple and Microsoft (the Po) is currently the world to each other patent litigation to try to expand their smart phones in taking and tablet computer, in the middle of the market share. And the two products are now in the demand also are constantly increasing. According to the market research institutions IDC last week, according to figures released last year in the fourth quarter, global smartphone shipments jumped 55%, of which is largely to iPhone 4 S hot demand.
And Google's Android operating system, including the use of the enterprise HTC (the Po) and samsung and apple products of an intense competition enterprise.
Munich today's decision is mainly aims at is the apple in the European patent number for EP1964022B1 design, this design can let users in the fingers brushed screen after specific pictures to unlock.

International authoritative organization says China mobile phone Internet speeds in the second row global

The domestic fixed-line broadband be critically price high, after the flash player 6.0.65, another international authoritative organization report shows, the domestic cell phone Internet connection speed in the world at the end of a line, only good than India. Analysis shows that cell phone Internet speed slow restricted the domestic mobile phone video web development.
According to the GSMA (global mobile communication association) recently published reports, mobile broadband connection speed the slowest two countries are India and China. Instead, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Asia Pacific regions and countries, mobile phones are faster speeds. By 2010, India and China's average respectively for connection speed only 19 KBPS and 50 KPBS. But Japan and South Korea, the average speed of up to 1400 KBPS.
But because of relations between the two countries have cell phone Internet development is rapid, GSMA also gives optimistic estimate. GSMA think, according to the present rate, by 2015, the average Indian operators mobile broadband speed will reach 1037 Kbps, which China can be up to 1384 Kbps. But it is still far behind in other countries--because when South Korea will reach 4984 Kbps, Australia and New Zealand will reach 5194 Kbps.
For the report of the GSMA, insiders think, China 2009 years to send 3 G card, 3 G users until 2011 number in advance by leaps and bounds. Therefore, the GSMA report cited a 2010 data is inappropriate.
"The current domestic mobile to cellphone video business net impact." A domestic video web site a executives told reporters, domestic mobile phone video website development is slow, largely from mobile Internet speed universal unpleasant, and price is relatively high price. Therefore, although cell phone video business is generally considered "gold business", but in the short term is still difficult to have the significant breakthrough.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Telecom millet today began to order 600 mobile phone users, wave produced

The issue of millet cellphone for a total of 1000 JiNianBan starting platform, the wave number and the F code issued in two ways. Among them will be sent 400 F yards way machine, mainly to honor the panel and MIUI millet mobile phone users honor team, the rest of the 600 Taiwan places will all by wave number produce. F code issued on February 10, has begin to roll in.
Participate in wave number need users to submit the application's official website millet, and participate in the distribution of wave, and activities. Millet official on February 17 and 18 two days, published every day 300 applicants successful users. Note that the use of the user has the telecom number "some degree of priority". But the JiNianBan does not provide additional silver appearance version.
On February 8, millet officially announced the launch of telecom technology version millet cellphone, the official pricing 2199 yuan. Millet telecom version using qualcomm dual-core 1.5 G 8660 CPU, support the dual mode single stay (support CDMA2000 WCDMA GSM CDMA1x), and the CMDA2000 network for special optimization. Millet technology CEO lei jun previously said, starting in JiNianBan application users need to use 133 and 189 telecom registration number, the end user wave produced by number.
However, for no in this application was not the user also need not worry, according to official revealed after the news, millet mobile phone will be march to the middle of mass production

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Nokia have big test: Lumia series machines are turning into new hope

Nokia (the Po) CEO Stephen Evans the roper capable of talk of the art, always like on the proper business said before a small story thought-provoking. In February last year, take charge of the KangPeiKai nokia has the roper to all employees send internal memo, will nokia situation compared to the north sea oil "burning platform.
That's the roper, behind nokia's internal attitude is partially to blame, failed to timely innovation, resulting in smart phones behind The Times. He detailed points out: apple iOS and Google (the Po) Android has controlled the high-end market, nokia has been behind years; In the development of the market saiban slowly, in the developed markets without competitive power.
The original has been burning platform, we must choose a new ark. Worry in the Android machine the sea lost nokia only rely on is Microsoft (the Po). In February last year, two companies announced a strategic cooperation relationship; Nokia will use Microsoft's Windows Phone operating system, and will participate in system development.
In an the roper, under the leadership of the nokia started pain but determined to transform the way: will saiban outsourcing to accenture, Meego aside follow-up research and development, to dive into the Microsoft mobile r&d; At the same time in the global mass layoffs, and will r&d and manufacturing departments gradually moved to China and other regions, reducing operating expenses.
Transformation will be painful, it will directly influence short-term performance, is perhaps the most suffering last year nokia of time. Nordic culture makes the rigorous nokia choose steadily WP mobile r&d, but apple iPhone from further dominate high-end market, Android with battle group rob market share, nokia under unprecedented pressure.
"Pale" behind performance
In the past year, now nokia actually status? 1 at the end of the month, nokia announced the fourth quarter results. On the apple's dazzling earnings shadow, a lot of people see from the same period last year when nokia profit of 980 million euros to losses of $1.4 billion a dismal performance, but not on nokia mobile phone sales performance WP beyond.
But in fact, this is a huge losses including $1.88 billion of assets write-off, including $1.43 billion from nokia positioning and commercial business department of the offset the goodwill. If not including special project, nokia is actually being a profit of 297 million dollars.
And Microsoft announced the alliance in after eight months, nokia in October last year London released two paragraph WP mobile: high-end Lumia 800 and the 710 in. In the fourth quarter, these two section WP mobile phone sales of 1 million department, more than many analysts expected.
Due to the fourth quarter Lumia two phone only in the European market sales, considering nokia in WP platform only just started, the sales performance is not actually sent, and most of them from the 800 in high-end sales. Nokia share price in the market analysis digestion performance rose 7% after it proves it.
Give special treatment
According to market research firm Canalys data, last year global smart cellphone shipments (of 487.7 million) for the first time exceeded PC (of 414.6 million), and FaHuoLiang PC is more 15% comes from the tablet computer. As mobile equipment inevitably become the mainstream, the PC era dominance of Microsoft feeling never have pressure.
Apple iPhone with become the world's most valuable company. A quarter, only the iPhone revenue ($24.4 billion) and profit ($9.3 billion), more than the entire company to Microsoft ($20.9 billion and $8.2 billion, respectively). Last year, apple iPhone sales totaled 93 million in the world, only 6% market share, but get 75% of the profits.
Although Microsoft has a weak performance in the mobile area, but this is a loser war, defeat means lost the future, so they don't hesitate claims to dive into the mobile business. In view of the original partners samsung (the Po) and HTC (the Po) are more emphasis on Android platform, Microsoft urgently need a loyal cooperation partners, but nokia has become the only perfect choice and Microsoft.
Because of this, Microsoft to nokia unprecedented support. Nokia WP department Waldemar Sakalus said to President sina science and technology, said only nokia promised comprehensive use of WP platform, so actually enjoy the "difference" to treat. In line with the agreement, the next few years Microsoft will provide to the nokia dollar support, sheet is the fourth quarter to reach 250 million dollars.
Closeto the hardware
In addition to the 710 and 800 before the release, nokia and in January this year the CES releases during the flagship phone 900. Although rumours 910 has been nokia the officials denied, but according to the roper said Evans of the strategy, nokia is certainly more models, and, in the end and the high-end market of all.
For cellphone field years overlord, nokia mobile phones in the design of hardware and related services with deep accumulation. Lumia mobile phone in hardware is is well-grounded, high-end type of shell, and the screen and camera etc is not inferior at the apple iPhone. And nokia unique navigation, video and music services is has obvious advantages.
Lumia 900 won the best smartphone CES awards, this phone is nokia best reflects the hardware strength. In the image, nokia and optical giant CaiSi have long-term cooperation; Navigation, nokia's navigation service completely free, and navigation services and professional par; Music, nokia shop price advantage more than apple iTunes for the China market.
Nokia, senior vice President of Kevin Shields is currently leading the research and development of the WP department, he had been in Microsoft from 21 years resume can see the close relationship between Microsoft and nokia. According to Microsoft sources, nokia stationed Microsoft headquarters at least keep the engineer in 50 people scale, both parties in common with perfect WP platform.
Mentality positioning challenge
Nokia China a senior project manager to sina science and technology revealed that, in addition to product strategy of change, nokia top attitude has also had the obvious change, in a sharp fall in the market condition, high mentality from the previous "me" to "primarily by the market primarily" ego orientation also from "the sovereignty," into "challenger".
He explained, China executives had hard to persuade executives to understand China headquarters market demand, according to actual situation to make marketing and orientation strategy; But now, Mr The roper and other new management will be more active to according to the consumer demand and competitors, make the performance and pricing are competitive products.
Pricing is best example. As soon as possible in order to shares of market, nokia Lumia series pricing is "close to people". Lumia in 710 in the United States, in fact, have 0 yuan sold machine, the price of 800 or 3000 yuan, the flagship in 900 in the United States in two contract price to only $100.
And in the promotion, nokia and Microsoft is never had the spare no effort. Microsoft CEO Steve ballmer and also the roper appearance together many times issued by the new products, in addition to the $31 million in last year Microsoft promotion funding, more news that nokia and Microsoft is willing to spend $100 million for Lumia 900 promotion.
Focusing on the market
Even in the era of nokia seek hegemony, nokia in the American market and no leading position. Top on the us market is the biggest reason disregard, Europe and the asia-pacific market has brought great sales and profits, and the United States for nokia to more like an edge for market.
But Mr The roper after taking office, precisely, nokia has decided to turn to Microsoft platform, the market is of great significance. Here is not only the big three mobile platform location, the more come together as one of the most influential media global science and technology, and numerous application developers. In the United States market take share, no doubt, will be greatly boosted the popularity of nokia.
China is the most important WP nokia mobile phone market growth. China not only smart phone market sales huge, grading obviously, there is a huge space outside the iPhone, this is the best position WP mobile phone scale. Nokia a source said, the company will r&d and manufacturing to China, China in nokia executives the discourse right also has the obvious ascension.
Nokia China ZhaoKeLin President last year, said, Lumia series in China this year in three operators, in high school all low-end field for the China market. According to the latest news, China telecom (the Po) will be released in March Lumia 800 CDMA version, and with series 710 and 900 will also be on the market in succession.
Has the roper self-confidence
In addition, the application developers also to Microsoft WP platform brought the bottom spirit. The application of application store WP Microsoft has exceeded 60000 total paragraph, the growth rate of 400 a day, is three Pacific taichung the fastest. Although it is not and apple and Google compared to the number of stores, but users frequently used applications is a limited number of, at least at present has disadvantages WP is very small.
To developers, the rise of WP platform has a positive meaning. On the one hand may increase their and apple and Google platform bargaining space, on the other hand the Android platform fragmentation and pay channel is facing the developers not small obstacles, and can control the Microsoft platform brought them a no less than apple's good profit channel.
Up to 2011 at the end of the fiscal year, nokia have cash and cash equivalents is $13.7 billion, and Microsoft has promised investment of the dollar. And function mobile phones and Symbian in the markets thoroughly before, still can give nokia to bring the huge revenues. To be sure, the nokia have sufficient financial resources to support WP in popularization of cellphones.
If the fourth quarter of the WP strategy for nokia is just just start, so fiscal year 2012 the year of the final exam is nokia. Has the roper nokia redeemed strategy can be cured, Microsoft WP platform in apple and Google can under the shadow of the stand firm, everything depends on the market, depends on whether consumers choose Lumia series.
Has the roper said Monday, the company had been out of the danger zone, maybe his confidence from the Microsoft alliance, the software and hardware of the mobile phone from Lumia strength. But the market is everything, nokia really took to the back roads, will have to see the results of the 2012 final exam; If no consumer "rescue", perhaps has the roper will suddenly find themselves are still in the icy water.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Huawei YuChengDong: terminal impediment in the brand and channels

The international consumer electronics show (CES) eve, huawei (the Po) terminal of President of limited company of YuChengDong (the Po) to the cellphone line manager Bruce lee PDT poked fun: "23 years ago a Bruce lee on their own time, make the United States today and have a Bruce lee with several world the first cell phone kung fu shocked the world." Don't empty-more than said that participate in the design of lee Ascend P1 S is when th CES show the conspicuous star-the United States IT is in check CES popular website PCWorld smart phones, huawei this phone rank high on the list. It is only 6.68 mm thickness of the world's most thin of a new generation of smart phones, skeptical colleagues or bring vernier caliper entity measurement huawei prototype.
Huawei is the world's ninth largest mobile equipment manufacturers, and hope that 2015 years ago the top three promotion. For terminal business in China, the past year is the year of the harvest. According to Gartner research institutions statistics show that, in the ended sept. 30, 2011 year, huawei global market share has from 1.3% to 2.4%, almost doubled. 2011 annual sales climbed to $6.7 billion, terminal FaHuoLiang breakthrough 150 million units, up 30%, more than 20 million sets of smart phones, turned over 5 times.
It's hard to believe, was established in 2003 in the terminal business group has been regarded as huawei internal poor business. It's just outside the main business before to cooperate with big customers and developed to additional business until 2007, the year just started selling mobile phones, and mainly is the telecommunications operator customization mobile phone, huawei and no product say, only OEM production just. Until 2010, huawei began selling directly to consumers. It was about to sell or stripping the rumours of listed-in 2007 to over 2008 years, huawei once would like to sell terminal business to increase cash flow.
Ascend P1 S d-will, or will become huawei terminals business recreating the precursor. Huawei shipments though up to 20 million units, but about 65% of cell phone still rely on operator customization, its retail distribution compared to just 35%. For the average user is concerned, huawei is still a weak brand.
The key depends on the first brand reshape how makes killer product. Change is occurring. In huawei is located in shenzhen smartphone and tablet computer design center in, put finding a rare chance of 3 D printer, the unit price is equivalent to a BMW sedan. This machine is the basis of virtual computer generated three-dimensional drawing of the actual size mobile phone mold. And in the past, the design staff should be complete this process to the factory.
Decorate exquisite on wall is full of hand-painted of draft plans, all around the various experimental is visible products: 4 G wireless charging ShangWangKa, smart phone, remote intelligent terminal and all kinds of smart cellphones. Huawei terminals company phone product chief design director FanWenDi (Hagen Fendler) here is the leader. In addition to be responsible for huawei terminals appearance design outside, this was a Siemens (the Po) product conceptual design of the director of German still leads a distribution in Europe and the United States, Japan, China's total more than 300 design team, in the internal it is known as "terminal consumer experience in design heart".
FanWenDi eyes successful design standards as follows: design should involve strategy; In the global recognition; A long-term goal; Have a unique category or brand; To bring the company stable economic income.
FanWenDi hope to achieve all this in huawei. The work of the essence of the first is opposed to work behind the closed doors. Contrast test is a part. Designers will be free to use on the market of trendy electronic products, and then write experience and share experiences.
In the work mechanism, FanWenDi even set the two laws: ID (industrial design) traction hardware; UE (user experience) drawing software to make design and user experience to have more power. For example once ID stylist think cell phones arc design will ascend appearance user experience, but the structural engineer on hardware that it is difficult to reach, the latter must obey the former.
Ascend P1 S appear has proven Chinese engineers amazing talent. Huawei study found that smart phones each reduce 1 mm thickness, control the sense of joy can at least increased by more than 5%. The engineers bear the brunt of the problem was to smart phones in a narrow space internal reasonable place the battery, circuit boards, chip, antenna, screen core components. Second is the premise of the performance without sacrificing ordered its work together. The engineers finally adopted innovation mould and molding process, make its battery cover thickness thin 40% year-on-year; Innovative architecture design and highly integrated custom components for key components provide for maximum space, and ensure the excellent antenna performance, sound quality experience and the use of long time; Through the power management of innovation, huawei can realize more than the average level of at least 30% power saving effect. The traditional average 0.7 mm thickness screen or so, Ascend P1 S screen only 0.55 mm thickness, fully reduced by 20% or more.
The birth of Ascend P1 S also benefit from huawei communication technology of the whole. Such as signal instability will cause cellular phone in different signal in jump, caused power fast consumption. Huawei optimized Ascend P1 S SouWang algorithm, using automatic tracking stations performance technology, to ensure that connect the signal faster and greatly increase the standby time.
Huawei terminals past success thanks to its operator bound strategy. This makes huawei to avoid and nokia (the Po), and other mobile phone giant confrontation, also brought many end derivatives business. In data card, for example, huawei in Europe kept close to 70% of the market share. Today, the global top 50 telecom operators and huawei have more cooperation relations, plus the cost of outstanding ability and the product price control, huawei quickly, including the United States, with Japan and Western Europe, the more than 70 countries and regions, in only one year he ascends to Android smart phones FaHuoLiang global top five.
How to run win the future? YuChengDong think huawei terminals of the biggest constraints in the brand and the channel ability. Huawei had no single operation end products of successful cases--even in the most familiar with market in China, people for the brand in China cellphone still feeling strange. The star of the birth of the product still depend on the crucible of operators. Whether for in huawei mobile phone business outside for a separate set of problems is the brand, and huawei have internal debate over two years, still no "theory.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Analysts said apple samsung mobile phone market 95% last quarter carve up profits

According to foreign media said on Friday, Canaccord Genuity market research institutions of analysts Michael walker and (Michael Walkley) recently pointed out that, in the last quarter of apple and samsung (the Po) partitioned the cellphone market with more than 95% of the profits, just to give other competitors left a few share of the profits. In fact, after the time is ripe, even the samsung also points less than money, because they all are flow into the apple pockets.
Apple and samsung for the champion
According to the data showed that provide walker, along with the market for iPhone 4 S in the strong demand, in the fourth quarter of last year, during a mobile phone and only apple from blow on the market profits by 80%, and in the third quarter, the amount is only 56%. Yet the company in the same period of the global mobile phone market share is only 8.1%.
At the same time, samsung mobile phone industry in the share of the profits from 26% down to 15%, but its Android smartphone user accounts for a share of the market is jumped to 39% from 35%.
In the fourth quarter, apple sold 37 million of the iPhone, help the company received more than $13 billion in overall profits. Samsung is revealed no the company sold a total how much a smartphone, but according to a analysts expect the number could be as high as 35 million sets.
Apple and samsung during the year 2011 has been a champion for each other, but between them to other enterprises in the industry daniele arrigoni is brought disaster, business is becoming more and more difficult to do.
Other cellphone firms are struggling
In the last quarter, HTC (the Po) narrowly won the cell phone market is 3% of the profits, followed by nokia and RIM, respectively, account for 2% of the profits. MOTOROLA and LG performance are not satisfactory, and a quarter as before. And SONY Ericsson (the Po) suffered losses of 2%.
At present the share of profits as occupy, make apple and samsung can hold the advantageous position, but other companies are also in the face of their problems.
Nokia is in operating system from saiban to Microsoft (the Po) Windows Phone operating system in the excessive. But the company also admitted that 2012 will be the transformation of the company is the key and difficult one year.
RIM is draws more and more and more and more weak sales downturn of the double negative influence on enterprise market. The company also need timely and the new CEO torsten who · friendly (Thorsten Heins) to get up to speed, and promote the company as soon as possible recover.
But MOTOROLA mobile is still waiting, expect the government supervision department as soon as possible to approval Google (the Po) to the purchase.
So the walker conclusion, said during the year 2012, the cellphone market remains samsung and apple; strive for situation. Due to the RIM, HTC and nokia, SONY Ericsson is in product stage of transition, and MOTOROLA mobile is still waiting for Google's acquisition plan, so in the first half of 2012 apple and samsung champions for market situation will not have any change.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Local mobile company then push to iPhone contract package

Harbin mobile company has in the local newspaper such an advertisement on: bring your own iPhone users cellphone, move specified in the contract price package, given the highest $4272 fee. This is 2010 launch iPhone 4 China unicom, after moving in more branch launched mobile version of the iPhone 4 package after another cut marketing.
At present, because of its own 3 G mobile type such reasons as the failed to qualify for the iPhone sales, but large mobile users still in use iPhone. Last October, the chairman WangJianZhou move had revealed that the mobile Internet there was at 10 million iPhone users.
The morning paper reporter at Harbin mobile service hotline yesterday, a service personnel introduces, in the contract on January 20, this year it has launched, the contract is divided into 88 yuan, 128 yuan, 158 yuan, 188 yuan, 288 yuan five files, called global travel packages, signing binding 24 months, minimum can get to 1056 yuan, 4272 yuan can get the highest return calls.
The above service personnel also said that the iPhone is the feature of long call package, than other par global travel packages long, users roam across the country. But the reporter also see, iPhone in five file charges set contains 30 M per month data flow, to use the Internet users of the iPhone, the flow is a little less.
The reporter understands, Harbin moving iPhone plan aimed at the net new contract users, through subsidies attract buyers have the iPhone users into the net, temporary wrong old users open.
Earlier in September 2010, China unicom (the Po) to start selling iPhone 4 contract plan, the mobile more branch then also launched a mobile version of the iPhone 4 contract plan, cause both the spat. And because the market iPhone 4 short supply, resulting in a large from unicom mobile users purchase contract iPhone plan, for not willing to change the reason such as the number of fabrics mobile network, then China unicom launched machine card than policy, that is, to plan the purchase contract unicom card number must be used with iPhone binding, long separation, unicom will put the iPhone.

Nokia MOTOROLA or increase the Taiwan outsourcing manufacturers mobile phone orders

Industry sources said, nokia (the Po), MOTOROLA mobile and SONY mobile communication this year is expected to increase to Taiwan ODM (original design manufacturer) manufacturers of outsourcing cellphone order, to regain the be apple, samsung (the Po) erosion of global market share.
Nokia recently announced plans in Hungary, Mexico and Finland factory cut 4000 jobs, and will move production to Asia. Based on the plan, foxconn international holdings are expected to gain more from nokia EMS (electronics manufacturing services) smartphone and order, and this year RenBao communication from nokia get order will also be growth.
Sources said, MOTOROLA mobile is expected to strengthen its foxconn international holdings and crown with communication cooperation, key focus on Android smartphone development.
SONY will also focus on Android smartphone, and will and is beginner, foxconn in smartphone on the production cooperation, but at the same time, part of the smart cellphone outsourced production crown communication.
Sources said, because SONY and MOTOROLA have recent move the corporate restructuring, the new management may work, which may lead to two manufacturers products development and sourcing strategy has some changes. (XiaoMing)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This month announced no longer HTC smartphone quarter sales

HTC (the Po) has decided to, from February 2012, will not be in the quarter earnings announced in smart cellphone sales data. Samsung (the Po) electronic had already use such practices.
Industry sources say, HTC this decision is mainly because along with the market more and more competition, these data may lead to sensitive commercial information was leaked. In addition, some patent litigation HTC is suffering, and involved in the action of a patent license fee usually in the smart cellphone shipments to calculate.
However, most of the market research company can still through a variety of different channels understand his smart phone sales manufacturers. Despite the different agencies released data may vary somewhat, but data can still reflect his firm in a period of performance.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

DoCoMo release Disney symbol smart phones

Japan's Mobile communications giant NTT DoCoMo company announced on February 1, and walt Disney Japan to start new brand "Disney Mobile on DoCoMo", and will, from late February in succession since the brand sale two of smart phones. When will launch free watch Disney animation, films and long overseas TV content of preferential measures to attract women in their 20 s and take the child's mother, Disney fans to buy. This is DoCoMo several times and apple negotiations after failing in smart cellphones with manufacturers taken a major step.
The first listed respectively were Fujitsu and panasonic OEM two of type, are equipped with Android 2.3 waterproof dustproof smart phones. One F-D phone back with mickey and Minnie the silhouette of design, incidental to mickey head as the theme of the special cell phone holders, equipped with 4.3 inch LCD screen and 1.2 GHz hd dual-core CPU and so on, have mobile phones, mobile TV and wallet infrared communication, and other functions, support FOMA high-speed transmission. P-05 D is a thickness of 7.8 mm QianBoXing of smart phones, equipped with 4.3 inch screen and 1.0 GHz dual-core CPU, have mobile phones purse function, support FOMA high-speed transmission, users can customize according to be fond of mobile phone appearance.
Compared with apple, Disney to bring the biggest advantage is that the DoCoMo mass content resources. DoCoMo users monthly free watch 20 hours (about ten films) of Disney's animation and films, including the "pirates of the Caribbean" and "Alice roaming wonderland" and so on the famous works. In addition, users can also watch Disney will open in March this year of new satellite TV channel "Dlife" play overseas TV series. Every month to watch the 50 hours of free "desperate housewives" and the "lost" TV series, etc. Watch the above content to all need to download special player, from special online "Disney Market" download to watch. In addition, with Disney cartoon image as the theme of the wallpaper, expression, symbol, alarm clock, pedometer and cellphone the function such as this is an attractive.
About the cooperation, DoCoMo executive director and Marketing Department minister ever field mazi said: "from a launch I-mode service, we will start as the main content providers and Disney launched a long-term cooperation. Always wanted to launch our Disney fans rejoiced products." Ever field mazi said, DoCoMo this has two purposes, one is to prevent loss of existing users, the second is in the hands of the competition from other hope rob users, especially to young men in their 20 s mostly female Disney fan.
For further deepening "Mickey Mouse" strategy, DoCoMo in recently Disney Mobile on DoCoMo for launch and Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland ocean of joint promotions. This also is expected to produce great fans of Disney attract the difference of the effect. At present, DoCoMo is Tokyo Disney resort area official sponsors.
DoCoMo said, Disney Mobile on DoCoMo smart cellphone is the goal of the two years of sales of 1 million. The cooperation can seize the Disney fan heart, still need to continue to pay attention to in the future.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The samsung plans to push this year of Galaxy S3 first released in May

According to South Korea Etnews website reported, samsung (the Po) plan launched in 2012 of Galaxy S3 smart cellphone model, and the first will be released in May.
Etnews will samsung Galaxy S3 called super mobile phones, and said the use of the printed circuit board, chips and connectors that makes the whole cell phone 7 mm thickness only, than the current Galaxy S II model thin 1.9 mm.
Galaxy S3 interior will be adopted four processors, the processor provider and the main frequency is not clear, will run Android 4.0 operating system. Samsung will adopt a new cell phone and Galaxy S II the same 8 million pixel camera, this will make the phone a little outstanding. In addition, other configuration also including WiFi, LTE network, GPS. Although the report did not mention support NFC (near field communication), but samsung new  cellphone is likely to support the technology.
Samsung ready to release this year of Galaxy S3 type, among them a using better camera, and equipped with touch pen. In addition samsung may also will be issued a 3 D model. Specific type of the time of issue is not clear.
Galaxy S II made considerable success, samsung did on the end of February 2011 of the mobile world congress announced this phone, and until may or June to its to market. Samsung may not directly in this year's mobile world congress announced the Galaxy S3, to reduce listed delay. If Etnews news reliable, Galaxy S3 first model will be on May release.
Rumor says apple will be released in June, the new iPhone 5, when the market will appear Galaxy S3 against the iPhone 5 situation.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mobile phone viruses stole bank card password

With intelligent the rapid spread of the cellphone, the home most Banks are already out mobile phone bank business, but the current pay by environmental and safety the influence of the situation, mobile banking business has been disappointing.
Made from market research a set of data shows, because Internet fraud, network "fishing" for the phenomenon such as flood, nearly sixty percent of intelligent mobile phone users said most worried about mobile payment security. This greatly influences the mobile phone bank business promotion.
According to the financial investment, reported in chengdu business lady suddenly found himself of his mobile phone downtime. Shaw woman says, because the mobile phone down is not able to use mobile phone bank, in the afternoon she went to bank for business, when she will insert ATM card to find 40000 yuan deposit in the bank account had disappeared.
"The members of the bank, said the morning after inquires is someone I used in mobile phone bank function, will I card the money in all turn away." Shaw, she said that the inquires, her phone number in a business hall is others fill do use, her phone be forced to stop.
Mobile phone viruses can be stolen to listen to customer password
Guangzhou students of a university at ordinary times by mobile phone bank like Mr Zhang manage his own personal assets, not long ago, he through the Internet search download a state-owned bank a mobile phone e-currency payment client, but after a few days on the login using that can't login, repeatedly tip password mistake.
In technical students under the hint, Mr. Zhang at once to the bank counter query, found that the password has been changed. Mr. Zhang told the reporter, thanks to the account at ordinary times are just used to buy on the net some small things, less money.
Security vendors analysis, Mr. Zhang smartphone is infected with the mobile phone operating the workbench famous "ultimate secret steal" mobile phone viruses, its typical characteristics for, and brake into mobile phones will be in the background after monitor the user's input, capture to a user's password by message after the bank to hackers, each other once remote change the password, it can transfer operation.
Fraud message implied "fishing" web site
Citizens ms. Chen to reporters yesterday reflected, its during the Spring Festival received content for the "Spring Festival ritual, rob iPhone4S send house to text and invite them to enter the lucky draw. Ms. Chen by mobile phone text message incidental to browse the web, and "lucky" to take in the first prize, but the web site remind ms. Chen in before the pay the service charge, and requirements on a web site to input their own cellphone bank account and password.
For safety, ms. Chen to web sites and this information for keyword search on the net, and found that the site is in the large net friend to inform against, say anyone can win, and will be asked to pay for fees.
Security expert analysis, ms. Chen received  is the typical "fishing websites" message, once the theft customer bank card password.
The current situation: domestic mobile phone banking business of the low end
China Internet network information center (CNNIC) data show that by the end of December 2011, the Chinese mobile phone online pay users to 30.58 million, according to a market research firm Berg Insight data show that the mobile phone bank users already amounted to 360 million, is expected to grow to 890 million in 2015.
However, such a huge market is the low end of the business behind the reality. See from abroad, mobile phone bank account management, collection can transfer the remittance, payment, different, investment finance, three party save tube, bill payment, credit card, consultation, etc. Various kinds of bank service function, a mobile phone can management individually-owned financial accounts. In contrast, the Chinese mobile phone bank development has been under the restriction of the hardware and software environment, is still stay in consumption, transfer level.
Agricultural bank electronic banking sector a senior engineer told reporters that at present the main business of mobile phone bank faced "hardware and software standardization" problem. Because the software and hardware of the mobile terminal system continuously transformation, Banks need to constantly updated debugging system, in this process may produce some technical loophole or blind spots, let the criminal had favour.
"For Banks, mobile phone bank platform and hardware and software if can uniform standard, the safety of the mobile phone bank can greatly improve." The engineer told reporters.
Experts: finished with mobile phone bank removal after password information
Nets qin mobile security (the Po) expert dr ZouShiHong told reporters that the whole mobile payment industry need to build a safe through the environment to enhance the users pay for faith, this includes information safety audit, the seller or shops to the authentication, enhance the comprehensive mobile security protection mechanism for shielding virus Trojan intrusion etc, and defend the users pay for safety.
And for mobile phone users pay, ZouShiHong is recommended to improve safety consciousness, choose regular trading DianShangWang station, installation of professional mobile phone security software, killing and intercept men mobile phone viruses, and recognition in the website of text messages, the possible existence of "fishing" website links.
Expert proposal, the user to do the following a few to: keep good mobile phones and password, and set up reasonable transfer pay limitation, opened SMS notification service timely language, beware of false WAP site and network fishing, use the cell phone Banks should keep clear of cell phone memory temporarily store account, and other sensitive information such as password.
Bank: will continue security upgrade
For customers to the worries of mobile phone bank, the bank of China business personnel told reporters that the bank will for potential system vulnerabilities and virus problem, continuous system development and function optimization. Industry and commerce bank a business department chief to reporters: "mobile phone banking business will be next hardware and other physical authentication, the UK code identification of open access, increase the breakthrough and the will continue security upgrade."
Experts think, at present Korea, Japan cellphone bank development more successful, in cell phones with built-in intelligent chip, but through the special memory card into electronic financial services.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Android mobile operators earnings went away much less serious problems like homogeneity

Each big manufacturer Posting a fiscal year 2011 fourth quarter earnings, and several glad andros camp several sorrow. Is Google (the Po) takeover of the MOTOROLA (the Po) mobile fourth quarter net loss of $80 million, and the sharp contrast of the last year of $80 million is net profit; HTC (the Po) quarter net profit dropped 25.5%, for the first time in two years net profits drop; Or, in the near future is SONY took over SONY Ericsson is completely lost, the fourth quarter 247 million euros pre-tax loss, mobile phone shipments a 20% decline from...... In profitability is the ideal environment, samsung (the Po) but performance is quite good, the fourth quarter net profit rose 17% from the same period the previous year, with mobile phones earnings nearly 50% of the total profit.
The whole, the development of the two camps situation is not optimistic. Analysis that because of the whole economic recession this year, consumers in mobile phone renewal could achieve hesitate, phone manufacturers or so will usher in a period of slow growth of winter. Plus its existing product homogeneity, customer information security PinZao torture, system version chaos, application market good and evil people mixed up and patent war mire in, iec need to be regulated and perfect result.
2011 Q4 is prevented earnings Android camp mobile phone manufacturer several joy several sorrow
Recently, the mobile phone manufacturer fiscal year 2011 fourth quarter earnings report released in succession, including samsung, MOTOROLA, HTC andros faction, is a few manufacturer glad several sorrow.
MOTOROLA mobile although "her" Google, but still failed to recover losses. According to a MOTOROLA mobile release of the fiscal year 2011 fourth quarter earnings data shows, MOTOROLA mobile fourth quarter net income of $3.436 billion, slightly higher than the same period last year of $3.425 billion; But at the same time, the net loss for 80 million dollars, and the net profit of $80 million in the same period last year. Analysis thinks, the loss is the main reason of the mobile equipment department losses increase.
Faced with apple, samsung's Nemesis pressure of competition, as a "Google three musketeers" the situation is also one of the HTC grim. According to published HTC in 2011 the fourth quarter results showed that its net profit of nt $11.02 billion quarter, compared with a 25.5% decline, this is the first time in two years for net profit drop; Annulus comparing was as high as 41%.
Has the disappearance of the brand "SONY Ericsson" situation is not a pretty sight. SONY Ericsson recently reported that its fourth quarter 9 million in the only phone shipments, 20% year-on-year drop; The revenue to see, its fourth quarter pre-tax loss of 247 million euros ($316.57 million), far less than analysts expected a small profit. SONY Ericsson's CEO BaiNuo (Bert Nordberg) said in a statement, the fourth quarter financial performance is the fierce market competition, the macroeconomic environment, bad company restructuring and Thailand floods factors.
There is so much pain in a andros camp, seems to be the only samsung performance let a person shine at the moment. Although apple took away the largest intelligent mobile phone manufacturer's crown, but from the whole level of earnings it is a good result. According to the fourth quarter earnings by samsung show, its quarterly operating profit of 5.3 trillion won, up 75.8%, in line with the company previously predicted 73% growth target; In addition, samsung net profit of 4 trillion won in the fourth quarter, 17% increase over the same period of the previous year. Be worth what carry is, its mobile operations, or was it a cellphone dominant mobile communications business sales profit all accounted for nearly 50% of the profits.
The two camps manufacturers job
Because of its openness, andros system once roll out, be the favour of the major manufacturers, in recent years, the report card is also proud of surrender repeatedly. According to the market research analyst firm IDC projects, 2011 intelligent mobile phone will be shipped to 450 million units, 39.5% for Android system product launch, shipments of the biggest manufacturer is samsung, and the iPhone market share of rate is only 15.7%. However, from 2011, the big mobile phone manufacturer's fourth quarter earnings can see that, overall, the development of the two camps manufacturers now the situation is not optimistic.
In fact, this and apple was related to millions of people. According to research firm Nielsen released in 2011, the U.S. smartphone market in the fourth quarter, data showed that analysis report in December's survey, 46.9% of the smartphone user choose new the Android mobile phones. And in the iPhone 4 S before release, this rates as high as 61.6%. At present, Android smart phone users in all the share is 43.6%, and the iPhone is 30%. Visible, Android smart phone users in the new lead is narrowing.
Despite the fierce competition with apple, from camp for internal, Google and MOTOROLA between "ambiguous" relationship, let the other manufacturers hard "with", samsung, such as the HTC manufacturer is also different mentality. Samsung is working hard to develop their own Bada system market potential. According to media reports, samsung plans next to the external developers and equipment manufacturers Bada open mobile operating system, in order to promote the growth of this system, and in litigation of increasing Numbers of smartphones and tablet computer field to reduce dependence on Google Android system. HTC will also be an eye on Window Phone 7 and hewlett-packard (micro Po) webOS and other mobile operating system, the message says, the company is currently purchase HP webOS system to measure, or buy other mobile operating system. In addition, belonging to SONY, SONY Ericsson business may appear better is a piece of the unknown.
To perfect the iec andros integration
Analysis showed, as the global recession this year, the big environment influence, consumers may be upgrading to hesitate on mobile phones, cell phone makers fear will therefore have a slow growth of winter. Each big manufacturers to the fourth quarter of 2011 mobile phone sales unsatisfactory results seem to confirm the development status of a downturn.
And the market itself is also questions result. First, the openness of the two system itself though is to attract manufacturer is one of the main reasons why, but so make phone product homogeneity serious, this has been beset faction of the manufacturer is a great result. Second, the security of the system leak andros become serious, point to carry two mobile phone operating system is a growing number of malicious software, this also let many users complain. Third, the result is various and chaos system version, according to the latest Android operating system map shows, although have introduced the latest 4.0 operating system, but still have 50% of the equipment running 2.3 "ginger bread" andros, about 35% of the equipment is still in operation andros 2.2 "frozen yogurt," even launch has quickly have two years of andros 2.1 "cream sandwich dessert" have 9.6% market share, version fragmentation is undoubtedly the need to solve a problem. In addition, the application of good and evil people mixed up the market and the ongoing patent war, also makes the andros market "disorderly and chaos".
Therefore, the whole should result should be improved. But so, can deal with the fierce competition in the  cellphone market, to better manage or will get into the slow growth of winter market.