Thursday, February 16, 2012

International authoritative organization says China mobile phone Internet speeds in the second row global

The domestic fixed-line broadband be critically price high, after the flash player 6.0.65, another international authoritative organization report shows, the domestic cell phone Internet connection speed in the world at the end of a line, only good than India. Analysis shows that cell phone Internet speed slow restricted the domestic mobile phone video web development.
According to the GSMA (global mobile communication association) recently published reports, mobile broadband connection speed the slowest two countries are India and China. Instead, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Asia Pacific regions and countries, mobile phones are faster speeds. By 2010, India and China's average respectively for connection speed only 19 KBPS and 50 KPBS. But Japan and South Korea, the average speed of up to 1400 KBPS.
But because of relations between the two countries have cell phone Internet development is rapid, GSMA also gives optimistic estimate. GSMA think, according to the present rate, by 2015, the average Indian operators mobile broadband speed will reach 1037 Kbps, which China can be up to 1384 Kbps. But it is still far behind in other countries--because when South Korea will reach 4984 Kbps, Australia and New Zealand will reach 5194 Kbps.
For the report of the GSMA, insiders think, China 2009 years to send 3 G card, 3 G users until 2011 number in advance by leaps and bounds. Therefore, the GSMA report cited a 2010 data is inappropriate.
"The current domestic mobile to cellphone video business net impact." A domestic video web site a executives told reporters, domestic mobile phone video website development is slow, largely from mobile Internet speed universal unpleasant, and price is relatively high price. Therefore, although cell phone video business is generally considered "gold business", but in the short term is still difficult to have the significant breakthrough.

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